Preparing For The Storm

by Flees Photos
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16.000 x 20.000 inches
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Preparing For The Storm
Flees Photos
Photograph - Home Decor And Giclee Wall Art By Chris Flees
This is an image of a sailboat that has been secured in anticipation of the storm ahead. This was a very smart move, it was a real nasty storm.
This image was captured while I was on lunch for a seminar. The information that was being shared was deep and intense so I grabbed my camera and headed down to the water, a few blocks away, to see if there was anything cool to capture. The breeze has somewhat of an ocean smell to it and it was obvious that a storm was rolling in. The sailboat owner has just moored their boat and battened down the sails, locked down the hatch and exited the boat.
I was looking at the sailboat and somewhat paying attention to the storm that was rolling in, although I must admit I was not watching the storm as well as I should have and then it appeared, the cloud cover and partially blocked sunlight made for a very cool reflection of the sailboat in the water on this hot and humid summer afternoon. Off in the distance lightning was beginning to appear and the winds began to pick up slowly at first, very short gusts and the humidity began to rise. It was unmistakable this storm was going to hit and hit hard.
I removed my camera from its bag and began to setup to take some handheld shots of this sailboat, the sailboats reflection in the water, and the dramatic stormy skies. The drama in the skies continued to become more and more intense. The lightning began to come more and more frequent and I was torn between capturing images of this scene and watching it unfold. I began to capture a series of images as this storm began to unfurl its fury in the distance and where I stood became darker and darker. One of the images of that series is the one you see here on this page.
I chose this image out of the series because of the reflective qualities of the water highlighting the sailboat and the lightning in the background. Earlier I stated that I was somewhat paying attention to how the storm was progressing but when you are behind the lens you are not always conscious to how bad the conditions or how quickly the conditions are deteriorating. After I captured several more photos of the sailboat the stark realization came to me �it is going to storm and I am going to get soaked�. I quickly broke down my camera and stored it in its waterproof bag just as the rain began to come down in what seemed like buckets. It was a very wet, two block walk, back to the seminar.
July 4th, 2014