Killdeer on its nest

by Flees Photos
Killdeer on its nest
Flees Photos
Photograph - Home Decor And Giclee Wall Art By Chris Flees
The killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) is a north american shore bird related to the plover. This specific bird was sitting on her nest. If you look closely you can see her egg. The egg is large enough to make you scratch your head and say how did it manage to deliver that.
The Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) is a medium-sized shorebird species that is commonly found in North and Central America. Here are some interesting facts about the Killdeer:
Appearance: The Killdeer has a distinctive appearance. It has a brownish upper body with a white underside. The head and neck are brown with a white stripe above the eye, extending to the back of the head. The breast has two black bands. The wings display a striking orange-brown coloration when in flight. It has a relatively long tail and long legs, which are pale yellow or orange.
Geographic Range: Killdeers are found across North America, ranging from southern Canada to Mexico. They are also found in parts of Central America and the Caribbean. During migration, they can be seen in various habitats, including grasslands, agricultural fields, shorelines, and even urban areas.
Habitat: Killdeers prefer habitats near water, such as open fields, mudflats, shorelines, and even golf courses or parking lots. They can adapt well to human-altered environments and can be found in both rural and urban areas.
Vocalization: The Killdeer is named after its distinctive vocalization, which sounds like "kill-dee." It is a loud, repetitive call that they use for communication and to defend their territory.
Feeding Habits: Killdeers primarily feed on insects, small invertebrates, and occasionally seeds. They forage by running along the ground, stopping to pick up prey items with their bill. They also use a "broken-wing" display as a distraction technique to lead predators away from their nest.
Nesting and Behavior: Killdeers are ground nesters and construct their nests on open ground. Their nests are simple depressions in the ground, lined with pebbles, grass, or other plant materials. Killdeers are known for their "broken-wing" display, where they feign injury to distract predators away from their nest or young.
Migration: Killdeers are migratory birds, with some populations traveling long distances. They breed in northern regions and migrate south during the winter months. However, in some regions with milder climates, they may be resident year-round.
Conservation Status: The Killdeer is not currently considered globally threatened. Its adaptable nature and ability to thrive in a variety of habitats have contributed to its stable population. However, habitat loss, pollution, and disturbances to nesting areas can impact local populations.
The Killdeer is a charismatic bird known for its distinctive calls, unique nesting behavior, and adaptability. Its presence adds to the biodiversity of habitats across North and Central America.
This image is © Chris Flees all rights reserved
May 17th, 2014